

Daniel Hendrix

Daniel is the creator and founder of Popped! He brings a history as a stage performer & musician, teacher and pre-diabetic who apparently ate way too much candy as a child. He blames his baby sitter, an old tube television named Larry.

Larry taught little Daniel that every show, film, actor, writer and, yes, even director were his real friends, his only friends, and therefore the source from which he’d receive authentic love. He also taught Daniel that the only skill he’d ever need to be successful in life is a constantly updating ability to quote any show or film, ever made, ever, at the perfect moment, to the amazement and delight of all present.

Such a font of useless knowledge, coupled with a new appreciation of podcasts cultivated over the lockdowns, needed a  outlet and that’s where Popped! comes in.


Ben Wilson

With a background in mortgages and mathematics, Ben cannily leveraged his experience into a career as a clown. Once he felt he’d done everything he needed to do as a clown, he decided it was time for another career challenge. (Who knew rotten tomatoes could leave welts?)

Naturally, once he factored in (and prioritized) his unreasonable love of popcorn, the next step in Ben’s evolution was to offer his observations and opinions on pop culture media such as movies, TV shows, and who knows what else. His lack of any bona fides, relevant experience, or even endorsement from crazy Uncle Larry – who, let’s face it, would endorse just about anything for a quick buck – makes Ben the perfect voice of absurd reason & ‘rithmetic in today’s world.

If you can figure out what all that means, you’re a step ahead of him.


Tanya Holstrum

Tanya is excited to share her love of and perspective on film and tv powerhouses that many of us see as old friends. She describes her favorites as warm, fuzzy blankets. She is excited for the Popped! family to share their experiences and  stories and hopes that the listeners will enjoy their journey with them. 

Tanya studied philosophy, physics, geology, and dance (Ballroom and Flamenco) before joining the Cal Para paranormal investigation team, where she, you know, investigated the paranormal.

Since the onset of the pandemic, she has become a veritable homesteader. Her days are spent gardening, cooking (a lot), building her stockpile and pursuing creative endeavors of reading, writing, jewelry making and photography. Her nights are spent cozied-up on the couch watching tv or films with her old man, Larry.